Friday, April 18, 2014

Patch 2.46 Patch Overview

With the new 2.46 Patch I just wanted to overview everything that has been added to Wartune. And for those of you who don't know Wartune is the top RPG, MMO, Browsing, Strategy Game of Awesomeness! Wartune updates by patches, and the latest patch as you all know, is the 2.46 patch which I am going to post about.

NEW Dungeon - Nirvana (Lvl 80)

The new dungeon Nirvana has been added, and it is a multi-player dungeon that only for Lvl 80s. The purpose of this dungeon is to collect legendary stones in order to synthesize equipment for your lvl 80 LEGENDARY equipment, which has also been added in the patch

NEW Gear - Lvl 80 LEGENDARY Equipment, Stones, Shards

The lvl 80 legendary equipment is available for making once you have reached lvl 80. In order to synthesize the equipment you must have:

  • Lvl 70 Legendary Equipment Set
  • 200 Level 80 Legend Stones
  • 10 Level 80 Legendary Shards (200 crypt tokens for each = 2,000 crypt tokens total)
Buffs include
Sword - Bonus 10 rage for each action
4/4 - Bonus 10 rage for each action

NEW Hot Events Layout

NEW Lost Treasure

There's a new system called the lost treasure where you can receive maps from "Berdim" in Cloud City to go Treasure Hunting. There are 4 different types of maps: Green, Blue, Purple, & Orange from least value to most value. The legendary maps give ou the most Crystal Shards. Crystal Shards are items that are used to synthesize resistance crystals.

NEW Battle Guardian System

The Battle Guardian System gives you the opportunity to increase your resistance from sylphs or elemental monsters. You do this by using Crystal Shards and synthesizing them into any resistance crystal. 

*Note: Wind is the lowest elemental resistance

NEW Cloud City - Class Wars Statue

Winners of the Class Wars will have their statue put up for all of Wartune to see (You'll see my statue up there one day ;))

World Boss Can be Freezed

One of the most noted updates in the patch is that the world boss is able to have its speed reduced by archers and mages now using deep freeze and thunderer. This is a huge advantage because those classes can now get up to double the amount of gold and daru they receive.

AFK / Sylph Mode

You are now capable of doing afk mode in sylph atoll. With the new afk mode, it's possible for your sylph to actually perform a delphic on your enemy, which before would be impossible for some reason. But there are some cons to this. In TOK and Solo Duels, your players are now able to enter sylph mode, which brings you to a disadvantage because let's face it - SYLPHS ARE MONSTERS!!

Blitzing Jewel and Fishing

You are now able to play the mini-games jewel hunt and fishing while blitzing.

NEW Stats Intensity & Tenacity

These stats are new to the Wartune. Intensity increases damage done to players while Tenacity decreases damage received from players. To View more click on the link below:

Here are the most important ones. If you think there are more important ones that should be posted, post in the comments.

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