Hiyo guys, I just want to explain to those that don't know the importance of Golden Holy Water, a material that is used to refine sylph equipment
Golden Holy water as mentioned above, is a material that is used to refine sylph equipment. You can get them many ways, but probably the most famous way is to do Cloud Adventures which opens only on the weekends.
Looking at the process of refining sylph equipment, it costs 4 golden holy water to refine a sylph equipment once. And the br gains can be HUGE!. Depending on what stats you get, a single refine can raise your br from 300-700. An example of the stats for a 300+ br gain would be the stats being mainly hp based, and not that much.
Heres an example of what it looks to get 700+ br gain from a single refine:
The stats here are focused on attack and they're high levels, considering the fact that I've only refined it once.
* From refining the last 3 of my equipment, my br jumped from 91,618 - 92,734, that's 1.1k increase in battle rating!
I do have a few suggestions when considering with this Holy Golden Water
Refine all of your sylph equipment at least once! If you're not happy or at least satisfied with your refines, refine it again, but I want to stress the importance of saving up these Golden Holy Water. You never know if r2 decides to make an event from this, or they start introducing things that can help like some of the stats like you do with your regular equipment. So for now, hoard onto these Holy Golden Water, and wait for its true potential to be unveiled :)
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