Hiyo guys, I just want to explain to those that don't know the importance of Golden Holy Water, a material that is used to refine sylph equipment
Golden Holy water as mentioned above, is a material that is used to refine sylph equipment. You can get them many ways, but probably the most famous way is to do Cloud Adventures which opens only on the weekends.
Looking at the process of refining sylph equipment, it costs 4 golden holy water to refine a sylph equipment once. And the br gains can be HUGE!. Depending on what stats you get, a single refine can raise your br from 300-700. An example of the stats for a 300+ br gain would be the stats being mainly hp based, and not that much.
Heres an example of what it looks to get 700+ br gain from a single refine:
The stats here are focused on attack and they're high levels, considering the fact that I've only refined it once.
* From refining the last 3 of my equipment, my br jumped from 91,618 - 92,734, that's 1.1k increase in battle rating!
I do have a few suggestions when considering with this Holy Golden Water
Refine all of your sylph equipment at least once! If you're not happy or at least satisfied with your refines, refine it again, but I want to stress the importance of saving up these Golden Holy Water. You never know if r2 decides to make an event from this, or they start introducing things that can help like some of the stats like you do with your regular equipment. So for now, hoard onto these Holy Golden Water, and wait for its true potential to be unveiled :)
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Wiseman Gets Sage Staff Legend!
Hiyo guys, I'm happy to share the news that I've synthesized my Sage Staff Legend! This is my 2nd legendary equip, and my first for the main four. The Sage Staff is part of the Lvl 60 equipment that you can synthesize using crystaloids, legend stones, and shards.
Also the system will display your name on the accomplishment that you made :)
Here are the unrefined stats of this equipment. Of course I'll refine it later so it better suits my preferences. I'm also going to use my socketing rods for my Lvl 60 legendary equipment, so I can be able to put in more gems and enhance my br. I have 11 socket rods at the moment and that's sufficient for my 4 main equipment. Ty for all of your support as I work to get my Sage Robe legend!
Monday, January 26, 2015
Opening 90 Eternal Longing Packs & Getting NOTHING!
Hiyo guys, I just want to tell you some news on the January event packs. I had hoarded them up in hopes of getting something lucky when opening them all at once- I WAS WRONG!
I saved up to 90 eternal longing packs, and not once did I get anything SUPER rare like divinity shard, arabian camel, or hades. Hopefully I will be able to get a hades or some event mount because I've never gotten an event mount before :( I do not know what other events are to come to get more chests because I would really like to exchange for those cool Garuda wings. If not then I'll have to resort to the clothing, but I wouldn't mind as much, I need both of them.
I did got a ton of lvl 1 divinity soul chests in which I'll use for the synthesis event
I saved up to 90 eternal longing packs, and not once did I get anything SUPER rare like divinity shard, arabian camel, or hades. Hopefully I will be able to get a hades or some event mount because I've never gotten an event mount before :( I do not know what other events are to come to get more chests because I would really like to exchange for those cool Garuda wings. If not then I'll have to resort to the clothing, but I wouldn't mind as much, I need both of them.
I did got a ton of lvl 1 divinity soul chests in which I'll use for the synthesis event
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Player Update Of The Month! Mage January 2015
Hiyo guys, this is my player update of the month where I just post what is going so far on with my mage, and the other accounts I have. I currently have a mage, a knight, and now an archer! Yes, I have all 3 classes so I can play, analyze and describe how it is to play with them. Hopefully I will be able to determine which class is "superior" than the others, but the game is made like a never ending food chain:
*You may wonder why I hoard stuff. It's because when events occurs, I can use them at that time to gain maximum rewards from it. E.g. I had 1k+ crystal shards, synthesized resistance crystals and get back rewards in return. The same with the will crystal shards and gems
PATK: 3116 ( I am a mage :p)
PDEF: 11640
MATK: 21015
MDEF: 15406
CRIT: 1943
BLOCK: 1677
HP: 80203
TROOPS: 1555
TOTAL BATTLE RATING: 91,248 (With Private Medallion) w/o = 90k+
*I will make a post congratulating myself on reaching 100k br, which will be a huge milestone since I have not payed a single penny on this game
I realize now that my mount stables need improvement. I am not satisfied with having a lvl 2 stables right now since I am very close at having a lvl 3 stable. Most likely I will get lvl 3 if I have 1525 mount whips in total. I would say about 2 ~ 3 months depending on how often I am able to collect whips. What I really do not appreciate is the lack of whips we gain from events. Instead it is mount hooves which is totally useless to players under lvl 70 like me. If r2 were to give mount whips as a reward, then getting to lvl 3 stables would be much easier than it is at the moment.
During the period, I was able to get the Guild Mount, which is the Hurricane Steed above, and the Dark Scorpion Mount, which I exchanged 3 coins of ancestry for.
My astrals have greatly improved, thankfully because wartune has been generous with the amount of gold that they give to players now. It's actually HARD to have below 1mil gold unless I use them up for events that require gold such as sylph equipment enchanting and identifying clothes. I am currently working on upgrading my Holy Mysticality astral to lvl 5, and with the star points, if I don't get lucky, I'll exchange it and get my red willpower astral.
Now my sylphs. Gaia is still my main and I had taken the advice from someone. Once you think that your sylphs are strong enough, have a main and continue to invest on it until you evolve it. Right now I am trying to evolve my Gaia/Eve into Hercules, which will require lots of mahra. My Iris is used for occasions where healing is needed, since I have rain dance which is really helpful for your team, it should be the first skill for Iris if you do not know what you want to get. Amazon, is ok but I honestly do not what I should do with it, dimensions of course, but other than that Amazon is not really useful for me. It deals damage like Gaia, but cannot take a hit so I avoided it from use.
I have a very weak pan, but only for atoll boss instances
Now its skills. Let's review what I have currently:
I also want to discuss about my runes. I have fully maxed out my Brutality rune, which I can use for my strong AoE damage. My second rune slot varies a little. I use my blood rune, but as I advance and people become stronger, that means blood will barely have an effect since they do have such a massive hp, but let me show you how strong blood can be with people around your battle rating
5000 HP + 7 TURNS = -35000 HP LOSS
When bleed is not very effective, I replace it with Guardian Rune. The Guardian rune can be very useful for being able to survive sylph delphics. If you invest the time to upgrade it, it can reduce damage up to 50%! A 100k crit delphic could only be 50k if you have the guardian rune and so on. Purge rune is a very special rune because I use it for the wild's bosses. They tend to acquire buffs that can ruin it for your team, so it's always useful for a team member to have a Purge rune so defeating the boss could be an easy task. Another rune of mine is my Amnesia rune. I do not use it at all currently, because I feel as if it's too low of a level to be useful. The Amnesia rune also requires a lot of exp to lvl up. Lvl 1 already requires 10k exp so imagine how much exp for a lvl 10 amnesia rune! (1mil exp exact)
Here is my Fate; my Brutal Edge is at Lvl 7. I want to focus on this and get it to lvl 10 only because I want that epic yellow golden hue over me (Yes I'm seriously that lame) :D My current stats are
Attack: +700
Max HP: +7000
Attacks have 20% chance to ignore 1750 points of target defense
My Resistance is at Lvl 6 and unlike Brutal Edge, it does not have any special buffs that are added to your characers
PDEF: 650
MDEF: 650
MAX HP: 6000
And now for talents! My holy seal has almost reach Lvl 15, and once that happens, the system will give my an option to upgrade one of these talent buffs. The first one I am debating to do is the healing effect, or the decrease damage % but I have not made up my mind yet
And finally, my guild skills. Guys I just want to inform you that you should max EVERYTHING on guild skills. Yes if you're a mage max and strength and vice versa with knights. They're very useful and can greatly increase your br so go for it guys!
Sure, I'll give you a look at my guild vault items, am always welcome for any suggestions from you ^__^
Enough of that, right now I currently stand at an impressive, but not awesome, battle rating of 90k+. Soon I will reach my dream of having 100k br but the game will not stop from there. Right now I am currently working on my lvl 60 legendary equipment which will be a strenuous task since it will take a while to get the crypt tokens, legend stones and loids to synthesize them. So in order for that to happen I'm going to seriously camp, stay below lvl 65 until I can get my full lvl 60 legendary set.
Click To Enlarge |
*You may wonder why I hoard stuff. It's because when events occurs, I can use them at that time to gain maximum rewards from it. E.g. I had 1k+ crystal shards, synthesized resistance crystals and get back rewards in return. The same with the will crystal shards and gems
PATK: 3116 ( I am a mage :p)
PDEF: 11640
MATK: 21015
MDEF: 15406
CRIT: 1943
BLOCK: 1677
HP: 80203
TROOPS: 1555
TOTAL BATTLE RATING: 91,248 (With Private Medallion) w/o = 90k+
*I will make a post congratulating myself on reaching 100k br, which will be a huge milestone since I have not payed a single penny on this game
I realize now that my mount stables need improvement. I am not satisfied with having a lvl 2 stables right now since I am very close at having a lvl 3 stable. Most likely I will get lvl 3 if I have 1525 mount whips in total. I would say about 2 ~ 3 months depending on how often I am able to collect whips. What I really do not appreciate is the lack of whips we gain from events. Instead it is mount hooves which is totally useless to players under lvl 70 like me. If r2 were to give mount whips as a reward, then getting to lvl 3 stables would be much easier than it is at the moment.
During the period, I was able to get the Guild Mount, which is the Hurricane Steed above, and the Dark Scorpion Mount, which I exchanged 3 coins of ancestry for.
My astrals have greatly improved, thankfully because wartune has been generous with the amount of gold that they give to players now. It's actually HARD to have below 1mil gold unless I use them up for events that require gold such as sylph equipment enchanting and identifying clothes. I am currently working on upgrading my Holy Mysticality astral to lvl 5, and with the star points, if I don't get lucky, I'll exchange it and get my red willpower astral.
Now my sylphs. Gaia is still my main and I had taken the advice from someone. Once you think that your sylphs are strong enough, have a main and continue to invest on it until you evolve it. Right now I am trying to evolve my Gaia/Eve into Hercules, which will require lots of mahra. My Iris is used for occasions where healing is needed, since I have rain dance which is really helpful for your team, it should be the first skill for Iris if you do not know what you want to get. Amazon, is ok but I honestly do not what I should do with it, dimensions of course, but other than that Amazon is not really useful for me. It deals damage like Gaia, but cannot take a hit so I avoided it from use.
I have a very weak pan, but only for atoll boss instances
Now its skills. Let's review what I have currently:
- Lighting Bolt
- ROF (Rain of Fire)
- Blessed Light
- Suntoria
- Restoration
The reason why I am using these skills is because I have my lvl 50 legendary set complete, which gives me an extra +10 rage for each move I make. With all this rage, I can afford to use Blessed Light, to keep my troops, and myself alive, for when the player enters sylph mode, their gaia would only have a 1/3 chance of attacking me. Why not Meteoric Destroyer instead? My attacks are already strong enough to take most if not all of the troops hp, if not, then my sylph's attack would usually take care of it, or an extra lightning bolt will not hurt my chances that much.
I also want to discuss about my runes. I have fully maxed out my Brutality rune, which I can use for my strong AoE damage. My second rune slot varies a little. I use my blood rune, but as I advance and people become stronger, that means blood will barely have an effect since they do have such a massive hp, but let me show you how strong blood can be with people around your battle rating
5000 HP + 7 TURNS = -35000 HP LOSS
When bleed is not very effective, I replace it with Guardian Rune. The Guardian rune can be very useful for being able to survive sylph delphics. If you invest the time to upgrade it, it can reduce damage up to 50%! A 100k crit delphic could only be 50k if you have the guardian rune and so on. Purge rune is a very special rune because I use it for the wild's bosses. They tend to acquire buffs that can ruin it for your team, so it's always useful for a team member to have a Purge rune so defeating the boss could be an easy task. Another rune of mine is my Amnesia rune. I do not use it at all currently, because I feel as if it's too low of a level to be useful. The Amnesia rune also requires a lot of exp to lvl up. Lvl 1 already requires 10k exp so imagine how much exp for a lvl 10 amnesia rune! (1mil exp exact)
Here is my Fate; my Brutal Edge is at Lvl 7. I want to focus on this and get it to lvl 10 only because I want that epic yellow golden hue over me (Yes I'm seriously that lame) :D My current stats are
Attack: +700
Max HP: +7000
Attacks have 20% chance to ignore 1750 points of target defense
My Resistance is at Lvl 6 and unlike Brutal Edge, it does not have any special buffs that are added to your characers
PDEF: 650
MDEF: 650
MAX HP: 6000
And now for talents! My holy seal has almost reach Lvl 15, and once that happens, the system will give my an option to upgrade one of these talent buffs. The first one I am debating to do is the healing effect, or the decrease damage % but I have not made up my mind yet
And finally, my guild skills. Guys I just want to inform you that you should max EVERYTHING on guild skills. Yes if you're a mage max and strength and vice versa with knights. They're very useful and can greatly increase your br so go for it guys!
Sure, I'll give you a look at my guild vault items, am always welcome for any suggestions from you ^__^
You may be wondering where is my knight, but unfortunately I am taking a hiatus from my knight account. It is to much time to invest in both characters so I'm giving up my knight for now, maybe I'll play him again, but I might never go on him again. I'll hope that I'll open up some time, but with the new patches, especially 3.45+ there's too much in the game to do for 2+ players, so it would best to just stay with one. Ty and I apologize for the news :(
Monday, January 19, 2015
Poll CLOSED ~ Results!!
Hiyo guys, as you might have known, there was a poll on this site asking you to select your favorite activities to do in Wartune and here are the results.... *drumroll*....
Wild Monsters
There is just something about them that just grabs your attention huh? :p In the wilds, there are monsters in which you can fight to gain rewards, one of them being mystery stones which can be exchanged for various items in the wilds shop. There are monsters, elite monsters, and bosses. Monsters give the least rewards and are the easiest to kill while bosses give the most rewards and usually requires a party in order to defeat.
Wilds Monsters - 40%
Multiplayer Arena - 32%
Sacred Fire Temple - 32%
Marriage - 16%
Battleground - 8%
Defend Sylph Atoll - 4%
Wild Monsters
There is just something about them that just grabs your attention huh? :p In the wilds, there are monsters in which you can fight to gain rewards, one of them being mystery stones which can be exchanged for various items in the wilds shop. There are monsters, elite monsters, and bosses. Monsters give the least rewards and are the easiest to kill while bosses give the most rewards and usually requires a party in order to defeat.
Wilds Monsters - 40%
Multiplayer Arena - 32%
Sacred Fire Temple - 32%
Marriage - 16%
Battleground - 8%
Defend Sylph Atoll - 4%
First Cloud Adventure and Tips
Hiyo guys, this is Wiseman here giving you some insight on the new event called Cloud Adventures. Cloud Adventures is only available on weekends from 6:00 Saturday, to 23:59 Sunday (Server Time)
Think of it like a board game, and your toon is the character playing it. You automatically have at the beginning 16 normal die rolls, which gives a random number from 1-6 which gives you the amount of spaces to land on, and a special die, which you can select how many rolls you want. Whatever spot you land on gives the following:
Trap: Reduces HP by 50% in next Battle
Normal Battle: Player will fight 4 monsters with average power
Random Event: Player will receive a random reward without having to enter a battle
Reinforcement Battle: Player will fight waves of monsters
Treasure Chest: Player will receive a random reward without having to enter a battle
Boss: Player must fight boss along with mob, the hardest fight. I recommend having 100k+ br to be able to challenge this behemoth, otherwise you're gonna have to ask for help because you cannot defeat this if your battle rating is anything below 80k

I would also like to mention that instead of normal troops, you get to use an extra 2 sylphs as troops just like class wars! You can also set their skills according to which ones you want to go first. The bosses are very hard so I suggest you enter sylph mode, only when you are low on hp. If you have an iris, You can automatically set it to do heal or rain dance, to boost your hp, so you can hopefully live long enough to do a delphic. So I recommend that you should have 1 sylph that can heal, and another that is used mainly for damage. I also kept my sylphs behind me, so they can live to deal that extra damage, but only if you have enough defense/resistance to do so. If you don't I highly suggest that you then put your sylphs in front.
If there is ever an occurance where you cannot defeat any monster/boss, you can ask for help by having a player kick its butt for you! They are not aware of it though, it's automatically on afk mode, but any skill that has the option to do qte will be given to you to complete. To get help, you must have 1 war flag, which you get an extra free one every day
The rewards for completing this "board game" is by spinning the lottery, the lottery gives you 3 items that will be given to you
Here is my 2-part gameplay of Cloud Adventures for visual representation. Ty and biyo :)
Part 1
Part 2
"Heroes, are you prepared for a new day filled with adventures and surprises? The monsters are unknown and tough as usual. Surrender is never an option as we are armored with various gears of honor!"To reach Cloud Adventures, you must go to Hans in Cloud City, who will then bring you to your destination
Think of it like a board game, and your toon is the character playing it. You automatically have at the beginning 16 normal die rolls, which gives a random number from 1-6 which gives you the amount of spaces to land on, and a special die, which you can select how many rolls you want. Whatever spot you land on gives the following:

Reinforcement Battle: Player will fight waves of monsters

I would also like to mention that instead of normal troops, you get to use an extra 2 sylphs as troops just like class wars! You can also set their skills according to which ones you want to go first. The bosses are very hard so I suggest you enter sylph mode, only when you are low on hp. If you have an iris, You can automatically set it to do heal or rain dance, to boost your hp, so you can hopefully live long enough to do a delphic. So I recommend that you should have 1 sylph that can heal, and another that is used mainly for damage. I also kept my sylphs behind me, so they can live to deal that extra damage, but only if you have enough defense/resistance to do so. If you don't I highly suggest that you then put your sylphs in front.
If there is ever an occurance where you cannot defeat any monster/boss, you can ask for help by having a player kick its butt for you! They are not aware of it though, it's automatically on afk mode, but any skill that has the option to do qte will be given to you to complete. To get help, you must have 1 war flag, which you get an extra free one every day
The rewards for completing this "board game" is by spinning the lottery, the lottery gives you 3 items that will be given to you
Here is my 2-part gameplay of Cloud Adventures for visual representation. Ty and biyo :)
Part 1
Part 2
Wiseman Gets Holy Fortitude Astral
Hiyo guys! This is Wiseman here to share some exciting news. I finally received my Holy Fortitude astral, after such a long time. Look at it in all it's glory ^__^
After exchanging 15,000 points for this astral, this leaves me with 2 more stat astrals that I need to acquire, hopefully by luck because the only red astrals I ever received based on luck were 2 HOLY FORTITUDE ASTRALS. Right now for my build, I am focusing on astrals because I realized they were not the best. There are people my level who have level 8 PATK, or MATK, and I need to follow them If I ever want to get as strong as them. My next astral I am going to get is the MDEF red astral, and hopefully I will get it by luck, and if not I'll have to use my astral points again like I stated above I did for this PDEF astral :)
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